Tuesday, July 6, 2010

aliens, republicans and consciousness

I want to type more, but my arms hurt from typing the other two posts. I feel like this is a great place to complain about my life, about everything in my life and the people that piss me off, etc. As I'm typing this I feel like people are looking at my screen, thinking I'm doing something important with the ever-so-loud clacking of the keyboard keys.

I must be reaching an equilibrium with all of this typing today. All of a sudden I just feel like nothing else was in my head that desperately needed to get out.

Ok, just bit the last of my fingernails off.

I just want to learn more japanese, have some real friends, discuss computer simulation and have a sweet AI simulation to think about, be good on the piano and with other instruments, be able to draw, be able to read, while all at the same time love my job, love my wife, be happy with every breath of fresh air that enters my lungs and go on with my life knowing that every step of the way something great is going to come from just being.

And we know that some utopian society never works, greed and humanity just always get in the way of it. As I type that last sentence, I can't stop thinking about how much I hate republicans, how much their lying and corruption is destroying the country and the environment, how the economy would have been so much better off if Ronald Reagan would have never existed at all. It's a frustrating sort of life, one that reminds you every moment that if I just believed in something different or if I were just born in a different part of the globe, everything would have been alright. But then I remember that people over there have even worse problems. Maybe aliens have the same problems with democracy and politics on their home planets, too. They must be. Unless some of them had lobotomies at very young ages those aliens have the same greed and guilt and hatred that humans do.

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