Friday, August 31, 2018

so climate change is real. people are like totally super fucked. Where would be a decent place to live that could sustain any trouble for any long period of time?

Japan has SOO MUCH LABOR holy shit it has a lot of labor.

I have chosen not to continue my line, As of writing this, there is still one fertile human male with my last name that's still alive. Good luck, Jack.

As humanity digs itself to an infinitely accelerating bottomless pit, we will eventually hit light speed. that moment of pure light speed will force all survivors to pick a direction, left or right. the ones that don't pick left or right die, or, their lineage ends. given the fucking enormosity of that light speed climate change cliffhanger,

on the walls of that bottomless pit lies carved statues of great humans that have lived before us. Some of the statues are so big and so important, people know where they are and can point history's telescope back to their locations on that wall with bizarre accuracy. Of course, the lens is always blurry, so even though see a smudge that you're sure is part of the statue, it might not always be that good. Some people also throw shit up and the stations and cover them. For example, donald trump has a solid gold statue and many many names. he's going to be remembered forever as the reason for this. but that steaming pile of shit covering up that gold statue will be what he's remembered for.

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